Paul Manske’s numerous contributions in the field of congenital upper-extremity differences have improved our understanding and our ability to care for children with these birth anomalies. His numerous manuscripts helped to establish more effective classifications (radial deficiency, ulnar deficiency, central deficiency, and hypoplastic thumb) and surgical techniques (for cerebral palsy, hypoplastic thumb, and radial deficiency, among others).
In an effort to honor Dr Manske and his commitment to the congenital hand surgery discipline, it is our pleasure to annually announce a winner of the Paul R. Manske Award for the best upper-extremity congenital research manuscript published. The Pediatric Hand Study Group and a group of former fellows of Dr Manske are behind the award, both philosophically and financially. The winner chosen is felt to have the most impact and relevance for the field of children’s hand surgery and the care of patients with congenital hand anomalies. The Manske Award includes an honorarium.

2023 Paul R. Manske Award
Woo SJ, Jung JH, Choi JH, Kim Y, Dwon ST, Kim BJ.
The Effect of Epiphysiodesis on the Longitudinal Bone Growth of Hands or Feet in Children with Macrodactyly Based on Long-term Quantitative Analysis.
J Pediatr Orthop 2023;
2022 Paul R. Manske Award
Bourke G, Wilks D, Kinsey S, Feltbower RG, Giri N, Alter BP.
The incidence and spectrum of congenital hand differences in patients with Fanconi anaemia; analysis of 48 patients.
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
2022, 47(7):711-715.
2021 Paul R. Manske Award
Hutchinson DT, Rane AA, Montanez A.
The natural history of pediatric trigger thumb in the United States.
The Journal of Hand Surgery, 2021 May 1: 46(5):424-e1
2020 Paul R. Manske Award
Camilla Hellevuo, Olli V. Leppänen, Susanne Kapanen and Simo K. Vilkki
Long-term outcomes after pollicization: a mean 11-year follow-up study
Journal of Hand Surgery
(European Volume)
2020, Vol. 45(2) 173–180
2019 Paul R. Manske Award
Angela A. Wang and Douglas T. Hutchinson
Syndactyly release: a comparison of skin graft versus graftless techniques in the same patient
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
2019, Vol. 44(8) 845–849
2018 Paul R. Manske Award
Donald S. Bae, MD; Maria F. Canizares, MD; Patricia E. Miller, MS; Peter M. Waters, MD; Charles A. Goldfarb, MD
Functional Impact of Congenital Hand Differences: Early Results From the Congenital Upper Limb Differences (CoULD) Registry
2017 Paul R. Manske Award
H. Adbel-Ghani, M. Mahmoud, A. Shaheen and M. Abdel-Wahed
Treatment of congenital clasped thumb in arthrogryposis
The Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
2017, Vol. 42E(8) 794–798
2016 Paul R. Manske Award
L. B. Wall, D. S. Bae, S. N. Oishi, R. P. Calfee and C. A. Goldfarb
Synpolydactyly of the hand: a radiographic classification
The Journal of Hand Surgery
(European Volume)
2016, Vol. 41E(3) 301–307
2015 Paul R. Manske Award
Ann E. Van Heest, MD, Anita Bagley, PhD, Fred Molitor, PhD, and Michelle A. James, MD
Tendon Transfer Surgery in Upper-Extremity Cerebral Palsy Is More Effective Than Botulinum Toxin Injections or Regular, Ongoing Therapy
Copyright © 2015 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Incorporated
2013 Paul R. Manske Award
N.D. Clement, MRCSEd, and D.E. Porter, FRCSEd(Tr&Orth)
Forearm Deformity in Patients with Hereditary Multiple Exostoses
Copyright © 2013 by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Incorporated
2012 Paul R. Manske Award
P. P. Kotwal, M. K. Varshney and A. Soral
Comparison of surgical treatment and nonoperative management for radial longitudinal deficiency
The Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
37E(2) 161–169
2011 Paul R. Manske Award
G.-B. Andersson, C. Gillberg, E. Fernell, M. Johansson, and A. Nachenson
Children with surgically corrected hand deformities and upper limb deficiencies: self-concept and psychological well-being
The Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
36E(9) 795–801