2018 Abstract Submissions
For both therapists and surgeons:
We are excited for the 2018 PHSG meeting in Columbus, Ohio on April 13-14, and are now soliciting abstracts. We have an exciting program in progress with a special focus on adolescent upper extremity concerns. Additionally there is a session specifically for the surgeons entitled, “Cases I No Longer Perform.” If you are willing to discuss cases you no longer do, we would be eager to learn from your experiences!
There will be joint sessions and break-out sessions for both surgeons and therapists. We encourage all participants in the meeting to submit abstracts, but it might not be possible for every submission to be accepted due to the size of the group. Please submit 2-3 sentences on your topic by December 1, 2017. We will finalize the program by February 15, 2018.
Click here to submit. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.